Project Details

  • Construction Date


Project Description

The Huntley Tenant House was the country home of Thomson Francis Mason, a grandson of George Mason. It is now a property of the Fairfax County Park Authority and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Huntley property contains a remarkable collection of buildings that are valuable both architecturally and as a relatively intact picture of local 19th-century plantation life. Although not built as Mason’s primary residence, Huntley boasts rare historic and architectural significance. The house and its outbuildings are situated on 2.75 acres adjacent to a 2000-acre plantation which belonged to George Mason.

UBER performed cleaning and repointing of both the exterior and interior where finishes had been removed, installation of lintels where new openings were required, rebuilding of jack arches over the windows, and other masonry repair. A new masonry addition was also constructed to house equipment.